to the advancement of tourism, many people believe that English will become the
sole language spoken globally. Thus, English has become the world’s leading
language. A single language would, in my opinion, be more beneficial to global
objectives, but at the expense of another language and culture.
Having a single language increases understanding among countries
without communication barriers. As a result, the union of nations would be able
to accomplish its goals such as international trade and multilateral diplomacy.
The benefits of international trade are that it allows countries to expand
their markets and gain access to goods and services that would not otherwise be
available on the domestic market. Multilateral diplomacy is also vital for
finding solutions to global challenges since it facilitates multinational
cooperation. By using a single language to discuss both matters, it would be
easier for the parties to reach a mutual understanding.
Having one language, however, has certain disadvantages. The first
consequence is the disappearance of the local language and culture, both of
which are interconnected. More than a thousand cultures in this world would be
at risk of extinction. The roots or identities of everyone are rooted in their
language and culture, and this diversity is what makes this world so unique.
Further, it would discriminate against people who do not speak the language,
particularly in countries where English is not the native language.
There is no doubt that
having a single language has both advantages and disadvantages. There is a
significantly higher risk associated with having only one language than the
other way around. As a result of a single language, diversity would disappear,
whereas we are naturally born with unique racial and cultural identities.
Therefore, it is necessary to respect diversity and maintain the local language
when English is to be used in an international setting.