The advantages and Disadvantages of Having English as A Single Global Language

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Due to the advancement of tourism, many people believe that English will become the sole language spoken globally. Thus, English has become the world’s leading language. A single language would, in my opinion, be more beneficial to global objectives, but at the expense of another language and culture. Having a single language increases understanding among […]

What Benefits We Gain from Social Networking Sites

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It is widely believed that social networking sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have adversely affected individuals and society as a whole. Although I agree that these sites may have a negative impact on the community and individual members. As far as I am concerned, social websites offer many benefits, primarily to individuals and […]

What’s the deal with money?

Money is often considered the key to elevating happiness since it’s a necessity that makes life hard without it. While money makes it easier to achieve happiness, it’s not the key to happiness, since you can be happy with immaterial things too. As we live in this world, many factors determine our happiness. A sense […]

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